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If the test results indicate low concentration of urobilinogen then it means that there is a barrier in the flow of bile from the liver, there is an obstruction in the flow of blood from the liver or there is some issue with functioning of the liver.


A urobilinogen blood test determines the amount of urobilinogen in the urine. Bilirubin is a yellow substance, which is located inside the liver and helps in the disintegration of red blood cells. Urobilinogen becomes created as a result of bilirubin reduction. Excess quantities of urobilinogen in the urine can be signs of liver diseases, such as cirrhosis or hepatitis

Star Lab

Krish 2, Swaminarayan Temple road,Opp. Shri Hari Bungalow, Vastral,Gujarat,Ahmedabad - 380058,India

A laboratory information management system (LIMS), sometimes referred to as a laboratory information system (LIS) or laboratory management system (LMS)

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